June 12, 2020 cuethecredits

The AQ War Effort

We are approaching the opening of the AQ gates event which requires the entire server to work together for a brief period to unlock the latest raid. We plan on contributing as much as we can to further seal our position within the server as silent powerhouses. This post will detail how we plan on organizing this.

Tracking Materials

Jurisnoctis from <Loktar Ogar> has created a spreadsheet for every guild to track materials they plan on contributing to the war effort once it’s enabled. You can see the servers progress here:


I’ve also created a sub domain for easy remembering that points to the above by going here:


As of writing this post, Stalagg is 33% complete across both factions with roughly 2 months until launch. (August 11th estimate) Given interest only will get exponentially higher, that’s a great start.

In order to track our resources I have created a bank for us that leans on the Classic Guild Bank addon. It can be found by searching the Twitch client. You will need to be promoted to add new characters, just let me know once you have created an account and put in a request.

Link to create an account and join the bank:

The addon works by counting all materials of your currently open bags/bank on the logged on character and providing an import key to be sent to a website. Once you are registered and promoted on the Cue the Credits AQ Bank, any characters you add will automatically add to the overall AQ bank pool.

All the contents of the bank can then be viewed by going here:

As you update the bank with your characters, toss an Officer a message that you have updated the data (and which materials) so we can then reupdate all the numbers on the master data sheet.

In terms of what items to focus on, I would target the lowest percentages on the spreadsheet. The more we are leveraging our contributions with the higher potential there is for us to influence the ultimately opening of the gates.

For example, if we managed to collect an absurd 70% of the copper bar requirement, we would be a commanding voice in regards to how the mount situation should play out.

Once you have added your materials, update your characters on this master spreadsheet. I will add a row for your main character name once you have requested a bank sign-on. Request edit access once you have signed up.


To add materials, see screenshots below.

Classic Guild Bank /cgb
Import string once granted permission
How to check live bank status

Scarab Lord

As of right now, we are shooting for a minimum of two Scarab Lords. Zelt and Angeleyes. They have been working towards this goal since day 1 of Classic and are ready to go. Xyvera and Bluntastic will be our 3rd/4th Lords assuming there is enough time.

As of this post there is no set timeline or expectation for how many Lords will be created before the gates open. RTK is shooting for 5, which is either indicative of a timeline, or grasping at straws. Hard to say at this point. Hopefully the PTR will explain more.

Opening AQ Raid

The Officers are still in discussion with how we want to build the opening AQ 40 raids. There will be two, we just need to determine what is available and how we want to approach it. It surely has become clear to everyone that our split raiding roster is incredibly talented and capable of great things. For whatever level difficulty the opening BWL roster was to build, AQ is set to be that much harder.

Performance is obviously a top metric for entry, but the officer and class leads have definitely taken notice to all external raid effort that has been provided where possible.

More to come on this topic soon.

Nature Resist Gear

At this moment I think it’s fairly safe to say the Vanilla-level Nature Resistance is not going to be required to succeed within AQ40.

However we really just don’t know. For that reason I will say that it is in everyone’s best interest to acquire what they can for Nature Resist. In terms of raid slots, past a certain threshold the differences between players will be minimal. Any signs of effort such as a full NR set will help guide the leadership towards a decision.

Thanks everyone, let’s show how much weight we’ve been keeping quiet on Stalagg!